Monday, May 30, 2011


Tuple<T> is a new generic class in .NET 4.0 that makes it easy to combine multiple items of any type into one object. The concept is similar to any array. The advantage to a Tuple<T> is that the elements are individually typed and can be accessed without a subscript. This alleviates the danger of going outside of an array's bounds.

Tuple<int, string, char> x;

Tuples can have between 1 and 8 elements.
They can be instantiated either by using "new" or Tuple.Create()

Tuple<int, string, char> x = new Tuple<int, string, char>(1, "asdf", 'c');
Tuple<bool, float, decimal> y = Tuple.Create(true, 1.0f, 2.3m);

The items in a Tuple can be accessed using Tuple.Item1, Tuple.Item2, etc.


That's really all there is to it.
This is nice when you have multiple items that go together but don't really fit into a class.

Have fun.

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